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Tag Archives: Gone Too Soon

Yo Scooter! I mean Russell. Forgot we couldn’t call you that any more. It’s been way too long since I saw you last, man. I mean, it’s been years. I had your number saved in my old phone, but you know I’m my mother’s child when it comes to staying in touch. Still, it’s always good to see you. I was actually just thinking about you.

You remember that first family reunion? Someone thought it would be a good idea for us all to get trailers for the weekend and sleep in the middle of the wilderness. I don’t know why, though. I mean, you might be used to the country lifetstyle, but I’m from the city. I don’t do that “great outdoors” crap. Still, I would’ve been fine with the whole thing, except for the fact that I had an overactive imagination and a love for horror movies…namely Friday the 13th. You, Joe and Roderick found that hilarious. So, on our first night there, as I lay in my uncomfortable bunk by the foil-covered window, I heard this weird rustling sound outside. I looked up and at the very moment and–as if perfectly choreographed–a hand burst through the foil, scaring the hell out of me. Meanwhile, you guys are outside laughing your butts off. And though I needed to check my underwear at that moment, I couldn’t help but laugh with you guys.

When we were eighteen, I saw you for the first time in a long time. Except, it wasn’t the same ol’ Scooter that I knew. Though this guy still barely stood at five feet tall, he had bleached his hair platinum blonde and collected a small army of piercings. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you. But you were still that mischievous kid that I remembered. This was proven when we took a trip to The Spy Club. Everyone thought you were my little brother–even though you’re six months older than me–and we decided to play that to our advantage. Next thing I know, your little ass had a flock of girls around you and I was left sipping my Coke, too “goody two shoes” to order something a little stronger. At the end of the night, we literally had to pull you from your adoring public.

You’ve always been a free spirit, that fun and funny guy that everyone loved to hang out with. I admired that so much about you because I was the complete opposite, all uptight and afraid to break out of my box. If nothing else, you really helped me with that and I thank you for it.

I once heard a preacher give a sermon. He was saying something about waiting until someone was gone to give them their flowers. How we shouldn’t wait until then, we should show people how much we care while their still here with us. Unfortunately, I did wait too late and I’ll always regret it.

So, here are your flowers, Russell. I’ll miss you.